2023 Schedule*

Greenwood Furnace Folk Gathering is full of great workshops, concerts, singing and dancing.
Friday, September 8, 2023
Friday 3:00 – 5:00 pm Pre-Event Intensive Classes
(separate registration required)
A pre-event intensive is a great way to get a jump-start on the weekend. held just before the rest of the festival gets going.
Class size is limited, and a separate registration fee is required.
2023 Intensive Classes
Fiddle Techniques – Steve Buckalew
This class is a safe space to air your fiddle grievances, problematic tunes, and general questions about all things bowed. Feel free to come with something in mind, or stick around to learn something unexpected. Intermediate level.
Guitar Backup – Karen Hirshon
Learn to be a better rhythm section for your band or for your own voice. For guitar players who are used to using a pick and who know at least 8-10 chords. Please bring a capo.
Clawhammer Banjo – Jay Best
We will explore several different tunings, double thumbing and drop thumbing techniques, hammer-on and pull-offs, and learn a tune or two using these techniques. For all levels beyond beginner.
Mandolin Techniques – Bill Quern
A survey of all things mandolin, including playing techniques like tremolo and chording, problem-solving, and generally easing the path to mastering the mandolin. For all levels beyond beginner.
Singing – Gene & Gayla Mills
Learn to Jam – Henry Koretzky & Holly Foy
If you haven’t jammed or haven’t jammed much, taking this intensive will get you ready to join in the jamming fun throughout the weekend. For all instruments.
Harmonica – Richard Sleigh
For those beyond the beginner level, we’ll look at techniques to take your playing to the next level, including tongue blocking, pucker style playing, note bending, breath control, volume projection, and tone control.
Friday 4:00 – 5:30 pm
Jamming – Laura Alexander & Sarah Gowan
This will be a fun, relaxed jam for all levels, also a good way to meet other attendees before things get going.
7:00 pm Staff Concert
You’ll meet and hear all of the instructors.
After the Concert
Square Dance – Ridge Kennedy calling singing squares, Bill Quern & Sarah Gowan provide music
Come experience the old Appalachian tradition of singing squares, where the caller sings, and the lyrics of the song give the dance moves. Ridge will teach and sing; Bill and Sarah will provide the instrumental music.
Beginners’ Jam – Simple Gifts
People who’ve never jammed are highly encouraged to come. For all voices and instruments, using easy songs and tunes. The jam will be interspersed with discussion about how to jam.
Instrumental Jam – Jay Best & Steve Buckalew
All styles of instrumental (i.e., non-singing) music are welcome here: old time, Irish, international, bluegrass, whatever you want to suggest. For all levels beyond beginner.
Singing Jam – Gene & Gayla Mills & Richard Sleigh
We’ll sing old favorites and some new favorites too. Bring your instrument if you play, but it’s fine to come with “just” your voice. All levels are welcome.
Friday 10:30 pm
Young People’s Gathering – Laura Alexander
If you’re younger than most of the people in attendance this weekend, this is a chance to meet and jam with other young folks.
Saturday, September 9, 2023
8:00 to 8:30 am Breakfast
Meals are provided for those who pre-paid. If you’ve brought your own food, you’re encouraged to bring it to the food area so you can sit with the group. Students and instructors sit together at meals, and mealtime tends to be a prime time for socializing.
8:30 am Greetings & Introduction
9:00 to 10:00 am
Beginning Percussion – Karen Hirshon & Gayla Mills
Bring a drum or any object that can be used as a drum, or drum on the picnic tables. You’ll learn rhythm patterns and approaches to use for playing percussion in folk music.
Clogging – Sarah Gowan
Three good reasons to clog: you become the rhythm section on the dance floor, it’s great exercise, and you can’t help but smile while dancing!
Three Chord Songs for Voices & Instruments – Gene Mills & Steve Buckalew
We’ll sing and play songs that have easy chords, with no more than three chords per song. Lyrics and chords will be provided. For singers and all instruments.
How to Play Melodies You Don’t Know (ear) – Henry Koretzky
If you’ve sat quietly at jam sessions wishing you knew how to jump into the music, this session is for you. We’ll start from the beginning and show you step by step, working by ear, how to join in on tunes you don’t know. For all instruments, advanced beginner level.
French Balfolk Tunes (music) – Bill Quern
Working from sheet music (with chords indicated), you’ll learn tunes from this interesting tradition. There will be tips for both melody and backup players.
Old Time Jam (ear) – Jay Best
A relaxed and fun time of playing old time tunes!
10:15 to 11:15 am
Try a Bowed Psaltery – Linda Littleton & Gayla Mills
Bowed psaltery is a very easy bowed instrument that’s used to play melody. Instruments will be provided.
Music Games – Sarah Gowan
Get into the action with fun singing and dancing games. This is a great way to get to know your fellow Folk Gathering attendees, gather ideas for community events, or just kick back and have a blast!
Hank Williams Songs for Voices & Instruments – Henry Koretzky
Learn about this iconic American country singer-songwriter, and learn to sing a few of his songs. Lyrics and chords will be provided. For voices and instruments.
How to Jam (ear) – Holly Foy & Jay Best
Learn some skills that will help you join in jams. How do you figure out what to play, and what do you do if you don’t know the tune being played? For all instruments, beginner to advanced beginner level.
Goofy Tunes (music) – Laura Alexander & Karen Hirshon
For all instruments and all levels beyond beginner, learn songs that make you giggle. Sheet music and chords will be provided, and there will be tips for both melody and chord players.
Blues Jam (ear) – Richard Sleigh
For voices and instruments, we’ll sing and play the blues.
11:30 am Group Photo
Meet at the furnace. Bring your instrument and a smile! If it’s raining, we’ll postpone until Sunday right before lunch.
12:00 to 12:45 pm Lunch
1:15 to 2:15 pm
Honoring Pennsylvania Heritage Musician Scott Krug – David Bargainier
An important initiative of the festival is to examine the musical traditions of Pennsylvania–to gain a better understanding of what Pennsylvania music is and to preserve and perpetuate this musical heritage. Each year we identify a musician with a unique musical background and perspective, invite them to the festival so that all can learn from them, and honor them as a Pennsylvania Heritage Musician. This year, we honor Scott Krug, a nonagenarian who has kept bluegrass alive in Central Pennsylvania.
Singing Jam – Henry Koretzky & Richard Sleigh
This will be a relaxed, fun time of singing old favorites and perhaps some new favorites as well. For all voices and instruments.
Instrumental Jam – Jay Best
An easy-going jam where we’ll play a variety of instrumental (i.e. non-singing) tunes–anything goes!
Wild Edible Plant Walk – Debbie Naha-Koretzky
We’ll enjoy a stroll through this incredibly beautiful park while looking for and learning about wild edible plants.
2:30 to 3:30 pm
Try a Ukulele – Holly Foy & Gayla Mills
Learn ukulele, starting with the very basics. Instruments will be provided.
Songwriting – Gene Mills
Immerse yourself in the art of songwriting! We will explore lyric and melody writing as well as ideas that will help the creative process, looking at a wide variety of skills, tools, and strategies that will enhance your songwriting.
Singing Rounds – Laura Alexander
Rounds are so much fun to sing! Come learn and sing some interesting rounds.
Easy Old Time Tunes (ear) – Jay Best
We’ll learn a few easy tunes from the old time repertoire, with attention to both melody players and rhythm players. Tunes will be taught by ear with music available if needed. For all instruments, advanced beginner level.
Syncopated Tunes (music) – Steve Buckalew
Working from sheet music, we’ll look at a few wonderfully syncopated tunes. Steve will have tips for both melody and backup players. For all instruments, all levels beyond beginner.
Jamming with PA Heritage Musician Scott Krug (ear) – David Bargainier
A fun jam featuring Pennsylvania Heritage Musician Scott Krug. Come jam with musical heritage!
3:45 to 4:45 pm
Singing for Non-Singers – Gayla Mills
This workshop is targeted to people who don’t usually singing, including those who insist “I can’t sing.”
Slow Practice – Laura Alexander
Slow practice is relaxing and great for improving technique! We’ll go through a range of slow, meditative exercises, spending about 5 minutes on each and sharing our observations. The exercises are designed for bowed string players but can be adapted to other instruments.
Woody Guthrie Songs for Voices & Instruments – Richard Sleigh
Woody Guthrie was one of the most significant figures in American folk music. Come learn about Woody and learn some of his songs. Lyrics and chords will be provided. For singers and instruments.
Exotic But Easy Tunes (music) – Henry Koretzky
Working from sheet music and chords, we’ll look at some easy tunes that have an exotic flavor. For all instruments, advanced beginner level.
Contradance Band Practice (music) – Bill & Sarah
We’ll look over the music that the open band will play at the evening dance. Music and chords will be provided. For all instruments, intermediate/advanced level. Note: If you miss this session, it’s still ok to play for the dance. It’s also ok to attend this session but not play for the dance.
Mixed Styles Jam (ear) – Steve Buckalew
Anything goes in this jam. For all instruments and voices, all levels beyond beginner.
5:15 to 6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Concert
Simple Gifts and Box & String Trio
After the Concert
Contradance – Ridge Kennedy, Box & String Trio
Ridge will teach and call the dances. Live music will be provided by an open band led by Box and String Trio, with music and chords provided. Come to dance, play, or both!
Instrumental Jam – Jay Best
This will be an all-styles instrumental jam. Anything goes–old time, bluegrass, Irish, whatever tunes you want to suggest.
Singing Jam – Steve Buckalew & Richard Sleigh
This will be a relaxed, fun time of singing old favorites and perhaps some new favorites as well. For all voices and instruments.
Sunday, September 10, 2023
8:00 to 8:30 am Breakfast
9:00 to 10:00 am
Try a Harmonica – Richard Sleigh
For the absolute beginner, Richard will get you started playing this fun instrument. Bring a harmonica in the key of A, or you can buy one at the workshop.
Hymn Singing for Voices & Instruments – Jay Best
We’ll sing and play a variety of hymns, with lyrics and chords provided. For all voices and instruments.
Easy Waltzes (music) – Linda Littleton & Holly Foy
There are lots of beautiful waltzes that are fun to play! Adding a few of these to your repertoire will give you a classier sound. Sheet music and chords will be provided. For all instruments, advanced beginner level.
English Country & Morris Tunes (ear) – Bill Quern
Come learn tunes from the English Country Dance and Morris traditions. We’ll work by ear with music available if needed. For all instruments, all levels beyond beginner.
Fast Jam (ear) – Steve Buckalew
For those of us who like to play fast!
Mini Lessons – Henry Koretzky, mando, guitar
Sign up for a 10-minute private session to get feedback on your mandolin or guitar playing, or for general musical feedback on other instruments.
10:15 to 11:15 am
Try French Folk Dancing – Sarah Gowan & Bill Quern
Learn some French folk dances that are fun to do!
Lullabies (voices only) – Ridge Kennedy
Learn to sing some lovely lullabies! This one is just for voices, no instruments.
Easy Irish Tunes (ear). – Henry Koretzky & Laura Alexander
We’ll learn a few easy-to-play Irish tunes. We’ll work by ear with music provided at the end of the workshop. For all instruments, advanced beginner level.
Intro to Improv (ear) – Gene Mills
We’ll start with a standard tune and show you how, phrase by phrase, the tune can become a vehicle for your own improvisations. The goal of the session is to help you open the door to creating spontaneous variations, or improvisations, based on each tune’s unique melody.
Pennsylvania Jigs (music) – Simple Gifts
Working from sheet music, we’ll look at a variety of jigs collected in southwestern and south-central Pennsylvania and published by Samuel Bayard in his important collection, Dance the Fiddle, March to the Fife. For all instruments, all levels beyond beginner.
Mini-Lessons – Jay Best, banjo, guitar, fiddle
Sign up for a 10-minute private session with Jay. Get feedback on your banjo, fiddle, or guitar playing, or general musical feedback on other instruments.
11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Try Appalachian Percussion Toys – Sarah Gowan
This will be a fun workshop of trying some Appalachian percussion toys.
Train Songs for Voices & Instruments – Richard Sleigh
For all voices and instruments, we’ll sing and play songs about or involving trains. Lyrics and chords will be provided.
Super Cool Easy Tunes (music) – Bill Quern & Laura Alexander
Tunes don’t have to be challenging to be awesome! In this class, we will learn some wonderful tunes from several different traditions, all of which are easy to play. Sheet music will be provided, and we’ll work at an advanced beginner level. For all instruments, with tips for both melody and backup players.
Irish Tunes – Steve Buckalew & Holly Foy (ear)
Working by ear, you’ll learn a few Irish tunes, with tips for both melody and backup players. Sheet music will be available if needed.
Bluegrass Jam (ear) – Gene & Gayla Mills
For voices and instruments, we’ll sing and play bluegrass.
Mini-Lessons – Karen Hirshon, mando, guitar, fiddle, bass
Sign up for a 10-minute private session to get feedback on your mandolin, fiddle, guitar, or bass playing, or for general musical feedback on other instruments.
12:45 to 1:15 pm Lunch
1:15 to 2:15 pm
The Last Jam – Henry Koretzky & Steve Buckalew
Don’t be in a hurry to leave. Stick around and jam some more! For all instruments, voices, and levels.
Here is the Grid
Click this link for the schedule grid in a nice condensed form as a pdf.
A hard copy of the final grid and schedule will be distributed at registration, but don’t miss this chance to plan ahead for a fun & friendly music-filled weekend at Greenwood Furnace Folk Gathering.
So Register Now and join us for a great weekend in a beautiful state park.
* Schedule subject to change